Monday, April 14, 2008

Week 7: Tagging, folksonomies, and LibraryThing

Got my invite key now and I'm off to explore.............. is a website that transfers websites in a blink of an eye. The libraries have cleverly mastered some links, well tags, for environmental issues or just info from the library. The number of people shown on the websites are useful so you can look at the hottest websites and the juiciest news. Please look at my website:

Okay, at first I didn't not realize the difference between the advance and normal search of "bookmobile" but then I found out that there were two more searches in the Advance search then the normal. Anyway, as I was looking up "
nswpln2008" I found out that there were no options to choose from. After a few more frustrating tries I saw message about not being able to find anything from another stressed librarian. Finally I figured out my foolish mistake. There were four tabs and I only tried one! So one by one I tried them. Eventually I found out that there were several pictures but nothing else. How embarrassing! I wonder what would my daughter would do if she knew....

The Library Thing is a good book searcher through my process of adding some books. There are good searchers like the Amazon or the Library of Congress. I had fun adding several books although a few were not known to the engine.

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