Sunday, March 9, 2008

Year of the Rat

Week 3: Sharing Images

7 Feb 2008 heralds the Chinese New Year, and it is particularly the day one as it marks the Year of the Rat - the first in cycle of 12 animal signs. Associated with renewal and fresh activity, the re-appearance of the Rat is regarded by many as an omen of opportunity. While there are many versions of the story behind the development of the Chinese zodiac, all are based around a race between the animals held centuries ago by China's Jade Emperor.

Not surprisingly, those born in the Year of the Rat are respected for their intelligence, adaptability, courage and diligence. As the start of the Chinese Zodiac, a Rat Year is seen as a period of renewal, fresh activity and hard work. It also means upswing, good fortune, and wealth accumulated. So not only Chinese communities around the country celebrate the arrival of Year of the Rat, but also it happens in Korea, Vietnam. USA, UK, Australia, and round the world.


pls@slnsw said...
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pls@slnsw said...

Dear Ratty

Well that's a good omen for Learning 2.0 - 'renewal and fresh activity'!

Hope you enjoy the program


cuppa.thé said...

As a rat I hope to use my intelligence, adaptability, courage and diligence to complete the Learning 2.0 with flare!